
The Best Cellar Newsletter has been providing non-vital info-tainment to a thirsty world since 2011 on a tri-weekly basis. For more timely information, check out the funniest wine blog on the web: Our Daily Wine.

In The Early April Issue
Deals of the Week 2006 Barolo
Crazy Like a Fox CEO
Vine Talk

California All-Stars Tasting
Sunday April 17 
Auction Action
(click to view catalogs)


New York
April 21

Internet Only
March 30

Hong Kong
April 15-16
Hong Kong
April 2-3

Quick Links

Grand Marque  
Champagne Tasting
Le Merigot Hotel
Sunday, June 5th 

Be Prepared! 

I was once briefly trapped in a tight little wine cellar with Jim Brooks.  I said, "Do you know the difference between comedy and tragedy?" 


Jim is someone who almost certainly does know the difference, but I thought I'd spell it out for him:  "A tragedy would be getting stuck in here without a corkscrew or a wine glass." 


Just in case, click on the image below, watch this vitally important video and earn your Boy Scout merit badge.

Wine Shoe
How to Open Wine With a Shoe
Best Deals of the Week  
BAROLO 2006 


             Azelia Bricco Fiasco                         Sandrone Le Vigne 

             The WIne House $82                         Woodland Hills $120

                     WA 94, WS 93                               WA 96, WE 93

            Clerico Pajana                                        Vietti Lazzarito

Woodland Hills $85                                   Zachys $130

          WA 96, WS 93, IWC 93                             WA 97, WS 93


Click on label image to link to sale webpage

Crazy Like a Fox CEO:

In a recent Los Angeles Times story about Chase Carey, President of News Corp. and heir apparent to Rupert Murdoch, a colleague said:


"His favorite beverage is Budweiser . I've said, 'It's embarrassing. Have a red wine, we're in a good restaurant, people will think we're civilized.'"

Vine Talk
Click here to see the sizzling sizzle reel
 A million wine critics are out of work...
Every few years there's an attempt to bring wine to television.  People think that if there's such an interest in food shows, there should be an audience for a show that celebrates wine.  They all start with a bang and end with a whimper. 

The next show to fail miserably in this futile endeavor is called Vine Talk, premiering this month on PBS with the charming Stanley Tucci serving as host. 


The website shows many people whose faces you recognize, but whose names you can't quite place ("isn't that the guy from that show?") laughing it up.  And you will too when chef Daniel Boulud picks the cheapest wine in a blind tasting.   


Links We Like

LA Times 

Carte du Vin 


NY Times 


The Best Cellar newsletter provides non-vital infor-tainment to a thirsty world.  We read through literally billions of email wine solicitations every day so you don't have to.

Jeff Smith 

"Drink More Better Wine" TM 

Bogart Wine Aficionado "Cinco de Vino" Dinner
Doing Good by Living Well: SLS Hotel, Cinco de Vino 5/5/11

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